Submitted 03-27-2018 under NEWS
Thousands of people took to the street for March for Our Lives on Saturday, March 24, 2018 in downtown Grand Rapids and across the state and country. See more images from the march in this slideshow.
Submitted 03-27-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS
Marisa Kwiatkowski, Indianapolis Star journalist and Grand Valley graduate, spoke in Grand Rapids about her role in the USA Gymnastics sexual abuse case.
Submitted 03-26-2018 under NEWS
One of the programs now running at the library is called 1000 Books Before Kindergarten.
Submitted 03-26-2018 under OPINION
All of the major religions say ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Jesus said to ‘Love one another and that, of faith, hope and charity, love is the greatest of these.’ So why do they also say that their religion is the ‘one, true religion,’ when they all share the same premise?
Submitted 03-23-2018 under NONPROFITS
ACTion Art is drawing near and ACT Apprentice Jordyn is readying her work.
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense is a nationwide group that was formed after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Submitted 03-22-2018 under NEWS
Over 1,000 people expected to gather in Rosa Parks circle for march intended to advocate for gun control
Protesters attended the GRPS Board of Education meeting demanding the removal of Laura LaMore
Submitted 03-21-2018 under NONPROFITS
Ambassador Mary Ann Peters (ret.), CEO of the Carter Center in Atlanta, talks about global health equity, ethics and eradication on March 26.
The Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company will present Shakespeare's Hamlet at the Dog Story Theater April 6-15.