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Free seminar series jumpstarts food entrepreneurs with advice from industry experts

Submitted 02-21-2017 under NONPROFITS

In March, the Grand Rapids Downtown Market will present its first-ever Recipes for Success series, a three-week program designed for food entrepreneurs. The free educational seminars are aimed at providing industry insight to budding and accelerating food entrepreneurs.


GVSU's Kutsche Office of Local History delves into the history of student activism

Submitted 02-16-2017 under NEWS

Grand Valley State University students have the opportunity to look into past examples of student activism by visiting "Voices of GVSU: Activism through the Decades."


'Get everything you can out of it' says school board president

Submitted 02-16-2017 under NEWS

Wendy Falb started out as an active volunteer for Montessori school. Today she is president of the Grand Rapids Public Schools Board of Education, overseeing the education of nearly 17,000 GRPS students, a demanding role she diligently serves as an advocate for public schools.


Learn to support local refugees at "Do Good Well" event

Submitted 02-14-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS

On Monday, February 20th, the Refugee Education Center is hosting an education event at the Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids from 6-8 p.m.


'Children are not blueberries': What a Trump/DeVos administration would mean for local schools

Submitted 02-06-2017 under NEWS

As Betsy DeVos faces a narrow confirmation vote in the Senate, educators wonder how much a Trump/DeVos administration could actually affect policy and funding for local school districts. Maybe not that much, some say.


Local teacher argues Muskegon Heights students need money, support not school closures

Submitted 02-02-2017 under OPINION

Jeffery Rundhaug is a Grand Rapids resident who teaches 7th and 8th grade Social Studies at Muskegon Heights Academy, one of the 38 schools the State of Michigan has targeted for closure.


Kent ranks twenty-sixth out of 83 Michigan counties for child well-being

Submitted 01-18-2017 under NONPROFITS

After a 2016 Kids Count report ranked Kent County 26 out of 83 Michigan counties for child well-being, First Steps Kent launched a campaign to inform the community and help make sure kids are ready for kindergarten.


At NECM, healthy food is a universal language

Submitted 01-06-2017 under NONPROFITS

North End Community Ministry relies on volunteers, food donors and local farms to feed its diverse neighborhood.


Growing Up Blandford Campaign seeks to increase capacity for Blandford Nature Center

Submitted 01-04-2017 under NONPROFITS

Learn how you can help Blandford Nature Center “grow up” on this week’s episode of NPO Showcase.


Start with Why at GVSU

Submitted 01-03-2017 under NONPROFITS

The Haunestein Center for Presidential Studies Hosts Stephen Shedletzky from Simon Sinek’s world famous Start with Why movement

