World Cup

International Community Cup

by (kaparsons)

Submitted 06-19-2014 under

On June 20th and 21st, teams representing nationalities from around the world will compete for the top spot in Bethany Christian Services' fundraiser tournament. Proceeds will benefit Bethany’s Refugee Employment program, which offers...

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International Community Cup

by (kaparsons)

Submitted 06-19-2014 under

On June 20th and 21st, teams representing nationalities from around the world will compete for the top spot in Bethany Christian Services' fundraiser tournament. Proceeds will benefit Bethany’s Refugee Employment program, which offers...

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World (Refugee Day Cup


Submitted 06-18-2014 under

Do you love being around beautiful people? Do you enjoy playing or watching the beautiful game? Interested in learning more about the meaning behind World Refugee Day and the different communities in West Michigan?   Join us for the inaugural...

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Soccer fans rally, storytellers gather at SpeakEZ Lounge

by (erictank)

Submitted 12-03-2013 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Eric "EZ" Albertson spent three summers cooking on Mackinac Island and winters as a line cook in Mount Pleasant to work his way through college. After graduating from Central Michigan University with a degree in economics, he moved back to...

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