
The Bridge of Snow

by (tonia.hauser)

Submitted 12-18-2014 under OPINION

The annual curiosity and chatter stirred up by the question of a white Christmas, is upon us. My answer to the question is always the same. Of course we’re going to have snow by Christmas morning! Even if it’s just a few flurries and a...

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Wintertime Fun in Grand Rapids

by (tonia.hauser)

Submitted 12-02-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Fleeting seasons are whizzing by us, seemingly quicker with each passing year. We blame it on old age and busy agendas, but the reality is— life is short. The time is upon us to start benefiting from the abundant wintertime activities Grand...

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Century-old garage collapses on Diamond by Wealthy, no injuries reported

by (Holly)

Submitted 02-06-2014 under NEWS

The large green garage behind Bazzani Associates (959 Wealthy Street SE) collapsed on Thursday at 12:49 p.m. No one was in or next to the building when it unexpectedly collapsed, though several classic cars and employee cars were in the garage at...

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Homeless shelter extends hours in winter freeze

by (dansteenwyk)

Submitted 01-24-2014 under NEWS

While Old Man Winter throws a fit, Mel Trotter Ministries (225 Commerce SW) are keeping their Day Center open to anyone in need of shelter. Cynthia Longyne, Communications Manager for Mel Trotter, says the Day Center will stay open as long as...

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One flock of a storm: Epic weather, social media in Grand Rapids

by (diaghilev)

Submitted 01-10-2014 under OPINION

Social media long ago replaced "the corner diner" as the place for conversations about current events. No more so than here, in Grand Rapids, MI. Especially during epic winter weather, as the storm becomes almost secondary to the ongoing...

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It's Cold. It's Dark. It's Grey.

by (FriendsofGRParks)

Submitted 12-23-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

It’s cold. It’s dark. It’s grey. It’s winter in Grand Rapids. I moved to Grand Rapids in the late '90s, and my first winter here made me think I had found the end of the earth. I questioned why any reasonable human...

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West Michigan winters I have known

by (rachelcc)

Submitted 12-12-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Winter seems to have gotten the jump on us this year with that arctic blast we got even before Thanksgiving. Michigan - always keeping it interesting! Last year we had a dry, rather balmy beginning to winter, until someone upstairs finally...

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Cast your vote for best window display during Window Wonderland Campaign

by (erictank)

Submitted 12-03-2013 under NEWS

On November 22 Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. launched its Window Wonderland Campaign, an effort that challenges downtown businesses to create unique holiday themed window displays. Collaborating with local shops are students from Kendall College of Art...

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Preparing to Drive in West Michigan Snow

by (rachelcc)

Submitted 11-09-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

The Farmers' Almanac is predicting a "biting cold & snowy" winter for the Great Lakes this year.  Are you ready?  Of course, the Farmers' Almanac could be all wet like it has been before, but this being Michigan and...

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Story Matters: Michele Day and Amanda Lowey compare Grand Rapids to San Francisco

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 09-26-2013 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. While at various ArtPrize venues throughout the event, The Rapidian's Story Matters...

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