
Baxter's Threads Sewing Class proudly presents fourth Biennial Quilt Show

by (Baxter Communit...)

Submitted 09-04-2018 under NONPROFITS

The Baxter Community Center’s Threads Sewing Class proudly presents the fourth Biennial Quilt Show. This exclusive Quilt Show Event features excellent historical and personal stories. This year’s quilt show’s theme is “A...

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Catalyst Radio: CMC project is Elevating Voices in neighborhoods through access to modern media

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 03-07-2014 under NEWS

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW In this episode of Catalyst Radio we turn the microphone to Community Media Center for a project called Elevating Voices.  Funded by the W. K....

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Catalyst Radio: Plaster Creek Stewards work for restoration of local watershed

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 11-15-2013 under NEWS

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW On this edition of Catalyst Radio we learn about an effort to bring back to health a key watershed in the Grand Rapids area. Plaster Creek Stewards...

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Wealthy Theatre to host story collecting experiment

by (reverewriter)

Submitted 04-25-2013 under NEWS

Stories are the construct that collectively make us who we are, give us identity as a whole and allow us to appreciate both the fine detail of a moment and the sweeping energy of a universal notion. Regardless of vehicle – in print, song,...

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National Novel Writing Month: To Build Without Tearing Down

by (LorenaSlager)

Submitted 11-15-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

With the recent time change reminding us of how bleak November can get, you might find yourself looking for a diversion to keep your spirits up. So what about that novel you’ve always wanted to write? Why don’t you finally start writing that this...

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Public Invited to 14th Annual DIA Events

by (grdominicans)

Submitted 06-11-2010 under NONPROFITS

The Dominican Institute for the Arts (DIA) is sponsoring two inspiring and life-changing events that are part of the DIA's 14th Annual Gathering of Dominican Artists: 1) A retreat for artists and those who appreciate art;...

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Citizen reporting: Many voices/many styles

by (LCirivello)

Submitted 04-13-2010 under OPINION

From Rapidian staff:* When The Rapidian was designed (with a good dose of community volunteer input), it was recognized from the start that while we could build it, it would only survive and thrive if residents stepped up to provide the content. We...

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