state of emergency

Community Updates: Friday, September 1

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 09-01-2023 under NEWS

State of Emergency for Kent County declared by Kent County Board of Commissioners, Office of the Governor On the evening of August 24, parts of Michigan's lower peninsula experienced severe storms. Around 8:00 p.m., tornado sirens began going off...

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Community updates: Tuesday, Oct. 6

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 10-06-2020 under NEWS

MDHHS issues order restoring COVID-19 rules after Michigan Supreme Court ruling The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on Monday issued an emergency order largely reinstating Gov. Whitmer’s COVID-related executive orders...

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Grand River floods to record heights, held back by flood walls downtown

by (magical)

Submitted 04-30-2013 under NEWS

The month of April proved to be one of the rainiest seasons on record for the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. A total of almost 11 inches of rain fell, making it the third wettest month in recorded history. The Grand River was one of the most...

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