
Community Updates: Friday, June 16

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 06-16-2023 under NEWS

Grand Rapids City Commission Hosts "Commission Night Out" Meeting in GR's Third Ward On Tuesday, the Grand Rapids City Commission was at the Gerald R. Ford Academic Center (in the Third Ward) for the second Commission Night Out meeting of the...

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Rain gardens continue to flourish, transform Plaster Creek area

by (Calvin College)

Submitted 01-24-2017 under PLACE-MATTERS

It is the summer of 2014, and rain has begun to fall on a hot July afternoon in West Michigan. One droplet lands on a rooftop in the Alger Heights neighborhood, running down the sloped roof into the gutter and through the downspout onto the driveway...

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How to grow a rain garden in Grand Rapids to protect local watersheds

by (Calvin College)

Submitted 08-08-2016 under PLACE-MATTERS

Written by Joel Betts, Green Infrastructure Associate with Plaster Creek Stewards Rain gardens have become an increasingly important tool in many urban areas for addressing the negative aspects of stormwater runoff. Over the last few years, Plaster...

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Safety officials see increase in fireworks-related fires

by (ulrichb)

Submitted 07-17-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

“The city of Grand Rapids has seen 1/10 of one inch of rain in the past 22 days,” says Deputy Fire Chief Jerry Salatka. “Since May 1 the Grand Rapids area has a four-inch deficit of rain compared to our local averages. These...

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Rain barrel season is here

by (jereldomer)

Submitted 05-06-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

April showers bring more than flowers:  They also bring stormwater runoff, the largest source of water pollution in West Michigan and the Great Lakes. Contaminated sediments that are deposited in lakes and rivers are difficult if not impossible...

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