Passing the Mic: West Michigan Hindu Temple's Fred Stella answers, "What is the purpose of your life?"
by (The Rapidian)
Submitted 09-10-2021 under VOICES
Rishi Singh, Sikh practitioner and interfaith outreach officer for the Sikh Society of West Michigan, previously asked Grand Rapids faith communities: "What is the purpose of your life? How can you live a spiritual life...Passing the Mic: Sikh Society of West Michigan's Rishi Singh answers, "What does your faith do to address your members' suffering?"
by (The Rapidian)
Submitted 07-31-2021 under VOICES
Ven. Yong Su Mark Hepper, Mahayana Buddhist practitioner and Teaching Monk at the Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple, previously asked Grand Rapids faith communities: "What does your faith, your religion, do to specifically address your members...Daring Together: Co-Active Coaching Series
by (Kari Bergman)
Submitted 02-05-2016 under
Brené Brown has issued a call to our generation - a call to be brave, be vulnerable, dare greatly. How will you answer? Whether you have read one or all of her books, listened to her TED talks or are enrolled in the Living Brave...