
"The Cast Away Tour" Send Off.

by (FableTellsTruth)

Submitted 01-29-2015 under

"The Cast Away Tour" Is a 10 week tour that Fable The Poet will be going on starting May 10th. This event is a last rally for funds, and one last going away party before he hits the road! There will be 3 DJ's 3 Features and 3 Special...

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"Everything Under The Sun"

by (FableTellsTruth)

Submitted 01-29-2015 under

"Everything Under The Sun" Is a unique collaboration of Grand Rapids Performing artists. There will be Poetry, Soul SInging, Rock and Roll, Hip-Hop, and Spoken word/Indy music at this event.   Ticets will be $5 in Advance, and $8 at...

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Teen Poetry Club

by (grpl)

Submitted 10-16-2014 under

Led by the Youth Literacy Association, a student-run organization that teaches the art of slam poetry, teens will learn to write and perform their own poems. 

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Poet Gregory Orr To Speak at Aquinas' Contemporary Writers Series

by (ELarson)

Submitted 09-11-2014 under

On September 17, the Aquinas College Contemporary Writers Series presents poet and award-winning writer Gregory Orr. A master of short, lyric free verse, Orr is the author of eleven collections of poetry. His most recent volumes include: The...

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Story Matters: Isaac Murray turns love of Grand Rapids into poetry

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 06-19-2014 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. While at various ArtPrize venues throughout the event, The Rapidian's Story Matters...

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GLYPHS In The Air; a poetic affair.

by (CLUBHOUSE Inter...)

Submitted 06-17-2014 under

Our fifth installment in the GLYPHS event series will take place on July 3rd at the Mayan Buzz Cafe! This event is a poetic ensemble of local artists, lyricists, and musicians coming together for the love of the craft and putting...

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GLYPHS In The Air; a poetic affair.

by (CLUBHOUSE Inter...)

Submitted 06-17-2014 under

Our fifth installment in the GLYPHS event series will take place on July 3rd at the Mayan Buzz Cafe! This event is a poetic ensemble of local artists, lyricists, and musicians coming together for the love of the craft and putting...

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Put UP or SHUT UP -Kalamazoo's premier Open Mic!!!

by (FableTellsTruth)

Submitted 05-18-2014 under

2804 W. Michigan! "The Mix" Every Tuesday! 21+ FREE 18+ 3$ with a FREE Redbull, or Soda with unlimited refills. The best, and most unique open mic you will find in Kalamazoo, Mi! We do this every week, and it is 100% about comminity! So, if you know...

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"The Drunken Retort" Songwriter-Comedian-Poetry Open Mic

by (FableTellsTruth)

Submitted 05-18-2014 under

If you come once, You might just get hooked! This is a variety open mic! The first if it's kind in Grand Rapids, Mi! Bring your talents, We have a ton of Singer Songwriters, Poets, Comics, and Story Tellers! Every Monday at Stella's Lounge!!! FREE...

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Poetry in Michigan/Michigan in Poetry: The Vital Ongoings of Michigan Poetry

by (grpl)

Submitted 05-16-2014 under

Poet William Olsen will discuss poetry in Michigan, looking at both its diversity and it universities as seen in his anthology Poetry in Michigan/Michigan in Poetry. Poetry readings by Olsen, Linda Nemec Foster, and Amorak Huey will be followed by a...

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