Children's poetry travels local bus system
by (Elizabeth Roger...)
Submitted 04-12-2016 under NEWS
Grand Rapids' Poet Laureate, Lew Klatt debuts his new project, "Grand Poems in Rapid Transit," during National Poetry Month on Tuesday, April 12, 2016. Collaborating with The Rapid and several local afterschool programs, Klatt will be...POETRY SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN: SPRING MEETING AND PUBLIC READING
by (Write616)
Submitted 03-02-2016 under
The Poetry Society of Michigan will hold their Spring Meeting for PSM Members from 9:00am - 3:00 pm and a Public Reading (open to everyone) from 4:00pm to 5:30pm on Saturday, April 30. Visit PSM's website to learn about membership: https://..."WANNA GET PUBLISHED?" POETRY WORKSHOP WITH KATHLEEN MCGOOKEY
by (Write616)
Submitted 03-02-2016 under
How many poems to submit at one time? Cover letter or no cover letter? Do I simultaneously submit or not? Where do I find places to send my poems? Kathleen McGookey will run the workshop "Wanna Get Published?" on...ASK THE POETS LAUREATE: READING AND Q & A
by (Write616)
Submitted 03-02-2016 under
Have you ever had a poetry question but were afraid to ask? Come and hear our city’s Poets Laureate, past and present, read from their work and attempt to answer your queries. The fun starts at 7 pm on Friday, April 22. Join us with Poets...BOOK LAUNCH CELEBRATION: LISA GUNDRY: A CROWD OF SORROWS
by (Write616)
Submitted 03-02-2016 under
Join us to celebrate the launch of Lisa Anne Gundry's volume of poetry, A Crowd of Sorrows on Thursday, April 7 at 6:30 pm. Lisa will read from her book, published by Caffeinated Press, and books will be available for...SKEWED TOWARD HUMOR: WRITING WORKSHOP WITH ELIZABETH KERLIKOWSKE
by (Write616)
Submitted 03-02-2016 under
Writers and comedians have a lot in common. We say what others only think. Elizabeth Kerlikowske leads a writing workshop, Skewed Toward Humor, on Sunday, April 3, from 3 - 5 pm which will dissect humor in a non-boring way, and yes, it is a little...BOOK LAUNCH FOR ROBERT FANNING'S “SHEET MUSIC”
by (Write616)
Submitted 03-02-2016 under
Join us for the launch party for Robert Fanning's newest book, Sheet Music (Three Bee Press) on Saturday, April 2, at 7:00 pm. Join us for readings, music, and poetry, all for free!Robert Fanning is the author of five poetry...THE MICHIGAN POET PRESENTS "POETRY IMPERSON" A POETRY RECITAL CONTEST
by (Write616)
Submitted 03-02-2016 under
The Michigan Poet, in celebration of National Poetry Month and in collaboration with Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters, is pleased to present Poetry Imperson, an evening of competitive recited poetry. The event takes place Friday, April 1st,...BOOK LAUNCH FOR GLENN SHAHEEN'S ENERGY CORRIDOR
by (Write616)
Submitted 03-02-2016 under
Join us on Tuesday, March 22 at 6:30 pm to celebrate the release of Glenn Shaheen's latest volume of poetry, Energy Corridor, from the University of Pittsburgh Press. This event is free and open to all! Glenn Shaheen is the...A Celebration of Superior Poetry
by (Write616)
Submitted 02-09-2016 under
Join us on March 24th at 6:30 pm as we introduce new books of poetry from and about the U.P., including Janeen Pergrin Rastall’s award winning chapbook" Objects May Appear Closer," Phillip Sterling’s chapbook "And For All...