Instruments of Hope Blessing of the Animals
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 10-01-2013 under NONPROFITS
Instruments of Hope Continues Promoting Mission of Peace Through Blessing of the Animals, featuring renowned flutist Carmen Maret as Pied Piper Instruments of Hope, a Grand Rapids-based non profit organization dedicated to promoting peace...The Humane Society of West Michigan's 1st priority: Keep pets with their families
by (rachelcc)
Submitted 09-19-2013 under OPINION
The effects of the financial sector crash of 2008 keep affecting families in West Michigan. Many families still struggle with unemployment and underemployment. It was Hunger Action Week last week in West Michigan, and I...Blessing of the Animals
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 09-21-2012 under NONPROFITS
Instruments of Hope invites you all: your family and your pets – all kinds of birds, all kinds of beasts, and all kinds of creeping and crawling things - for a Blessing of the Animals. This blessing will take...Dog walking business breathes new life into resident
by (AMENA)
Submitted 04-16-2012 under LOCAL LIFE
Frances Gentile, 57, was pedaling her bicycle home in March 2005 when she got an idea. She would start her own dog walking business, and she would call it Frances walks your dog. She had just been fired from her job as a mortgage document...BISSELL Pet Foundation responds to Allegan dogs' needs with $10,000 donation
by (mullmer)
Submitted 04-12-2012 under NEWS
The response to the dog hoarding/puppy mill case this week in Allegan County has been overwhelming, bringing hundreds of volunteers, supplies and monetary donations. Count the Grand Rapids-based BISSELL Pet Foundation among the emergency responders...'Dog 281′ was 10 years in the making for West Michigan author
by (mullmer)
Submitted 03-26-2012 under LOCAL LIFE
Anyone who has visited a veterinarian's office, animal shelter or humane society in West Michigan no doubt is familiar with Janet Vormittag. Her free monthly publication, “Cats & Dogs Magazine,” can be found in such places from...Blessing of the Animals
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 09-27-2011 under NONPROFITS
Instruments of Hope invites you all: your family and your pets – all kinds of birds, all kinds of beasts, and all kinds of creeping and crawling things - for a Blessing of the Animals. This blessing will take...[EASTOWN] Pet Project
by (Eastown Access)
Submitted 02-28-2011 under NONPROFITS
Access writer, Heather Young Salter When she's not training for a triathalon, chasing after her toddler or rocking her weeks-old baby boy, Dr. Lynn Happel is realizing her dream of establishing her own veterinary practice, the Eastown Veterinary...Pets fall victim during tough economic times
by (jon_dunn)
Submitted 02-24-2011 under LOCAL LIFE
It's an all too common story. A family, financially stretched, looks at a stack of late notices and eviction warnings. Needing to cut costs, the pet often is the first to go. Meet our unnamed kitty above. This kitty was trapped in a (...Local Group Seeks to Assist Plight of Outdoor Animals in Winter
by (mdhoyt)
Submitted 11-06-2009 under NEWS
It is estimated by local animal welfare groups that in Grand Rapids alone, hundreds of companion animals are left to fend for themselves against the cold each winter. Without proper shelter and care, frostbite, hypothermia and death can overtake our...