new city neighbors

Community updates: Wednesday, Nov. 25

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 11-25-2020 under NEWS

City of Grand Rapids, community partners launch #SupportOurGRBiz challenge The City of Grand Rapids and a group of community partners launched a social media campaign this week aiming to support local businesses during the holiday shopping season....

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New City Neighbors links good food and youth empowerment

by (Access of West ...)

Submitted 06-29-2018 under NONPROFITS

Life-giving food systems have far broader effects than the dinner plate.  For New City Neighbors, recognition of this has led to the integration of good food and non-profit work in order to address a need in their neighborhood: youth...

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Catalyst Radio: New City Neighbors

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 04-14-2017 under NEWS

Host Leah Schumaker speaks with Alaina Dobkowski, Executive Director of New City Neighbors, and student staff member Rileigh Haan, about bringing employment to the youth of the Creston neighborhood, and how urban farming is changing the way we look...

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Middle school entrepreneurs sell their sweet creations at Breaktime Bakery

by (Waltonm)

Submitted 07-17-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

The Fourth Reformed Church kitchen is busy with tiny hands during the morning Monday through Thursday. The middle school entrepreneurs of Breaktime Bakery are hard at work mixing and measuring to make delicious pastries. They're led by...

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