The Market Merges with First Fridays for Summer
by (DwellingPlace)
Submitted 05-13-2014 under NONPROFITS
For 2014, The Market returns as a First Friday event. On June 6th and August 1st, South Division will once again become a lively center for art, music, and culture. In addition to a gallery and shop hop that exhibits artwork at a variety of indoor...The Market on First Fridays
by (DwellingPlace)
Submitted 05-08-2014 under
This summer The Market returns as a First Friday event and features a gallery and shop hop that exhibits artwork at a variety of indoor sites. Meanwhile, the sidewalks will be flooded with artist vendors, performances, and entertainment all along...24 hour coffee house serves spicy drinks, cultural food
by (dansteenwyk)
Submitted 05-06-2014 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT
In 2012, the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world. Two years later, one Mayan man wants to spread a different message. “[The Mayans] are still here,” says Marco Bulnes Medina. “People said we were done in 2012. I want to...Local beat-maker aims to use Grand Rapids to the fullest
by (Whitney Pavlica)
Submitted 05-06-2014 under LOCAL LIFE
Music producer Shane “SuGR Shane” Sloan’s roots in music go back to early in his life. A native to Grand Rapids hailing from the northwest side, Sloan remembers his first experiences playing the keyboard. “I’ve always...Kick off the season: Kickstand Kickoff 2014
by (The Spoke Folks)
Submitted 04-29-2014 under NONPROFITS
On Saturday, May 3, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Brewery Vivant and The Spoke Folks will host Kickstand Kickoff, a festive event featuring family friendly games, demonstrations, live music and beer. What better way to kick off the Grand Rapids cycling...Staying true to your roots at Gaia Cafe
by (jwiegand08)
Submitted 04-25-2014 under OPINION
Nestled near the corner of Cherry Street and Diamond Avenue in Grand Rapids' East Hills neighborhood, Gaia Café has been dishing out its vegetarian fare since 1983. In Greek mythology, the goddess Gaia was depicted as the mother of the earth and...Meet civic investor Ben Oliver: Investing in voice
by (chelsiewyse)
Submitted 04-18-2014 under VOICES
Prior to his move to Grand Rapids, civic investor Ben Oliver attended Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. “During my time there I was focused on getting good grades, developing my intellect and discovering myself and my personal...Meet civic investor Roberta King: Investing in passion
by (chelsiewyse)
Submitted 04-16-2014 under VOICES
Since its conception in 2009, The Rapidian has come to be "one of the boys" when it comes to local media. Civic investor Roberta King was a part of its launching process and remembers the early days fondly. "There were a lot of people...Multimedia, modern dance concert to be held at Wealthy Theatre
by (wealthytheatre)
Submitted 04-10-2014 under NONPROFITS
Presale tickets go on sale today for the original Dance in the Annex production of "TRIP THE LIGHT: KISS THE SKY." The event will take place May 10 at Wealthy Theatre. Presented by Founders Brewing Co., "TRIP THE LIGHT" is Grand...Food truck to cook creative meals on the move
by (dansteenwyk)
Submitted 04-01-2014 under NEWS
Fans of the Silver Spork will see a familiar truck in Grand Rapids this spring. A Moveable Feast, a food truck business "emphasizing locally and responsibly raised ingredients," bought the Silver Spork vehicle and plans to be making mobile...