job training

Community Updates: Friday, March 17

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 03-17-2023 under NEWS

The City of Grand Rapids Asks Residents for Feedback Regarding Allocation of Federal Neighborhood Investment Plan and HOME-ARP Funds On Tuesday, the City of Grand Rapids laid out its suggestions for how approximately $8.5 million in federal...

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What are barriers to employment?

by (Comprenew_GR)

Submitted 03-15-2019 under NONPROFITS

There are many people who want and need to work, but face certain conditions that may make steady employment difficult to acquire. Individuals with such barriers may include people with a history of mental or physical health issues, criminal...

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How local agencies gave woman confidence to achieve her goals

by (Heart of West M...)

Submitted 01-16-2019 under NONPROFITS

Today, Anna Cater is a hospital billing professional at Spectrum Health. Getting there required her to overcome linguistic and cultural barriers – and, even more importantly, to develop confidence in herself. Cater grew up in the Philippines....

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Steepletown tears down barriers to employment, hunger included

by (Feeding America...)

Submitted 11-16-2016 under NONPROFITS

Imagine clocking in at the beginning of your work day, not having eaten a single thing the day before. Instead of project deadlines and presentations, you’re thinking about your growling, empty stomach. The staff at Steepletown...

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