
Dwelling Place Volunteers Deck the Avenue!

by (DwellingPlace)

Submitted 12-10-2009 under NONPROFITS

Volunteers last Tuesday, December 1st,  helped DwellingPlace haul out the holly, untangle the lights, and dust off the holiday cheer while wielding tempera saturated foam brushes at 13 different Avenue for the Arts storefront windows. The event...

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Mix in a Little Red (Cross) with Your Holiday Green This Year

by (RedCrossGGR)

Submitted 11-13-2009 under NONPROFITS

While we haven't even seen a glimmer of white on the ground yet, many people are already feeling the holiday spirit creep up. Get ahead of the curve this year and check "get tree" off of your eternally long “Holidays To Do” list today!When you order...

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