
Grand Rapids' Third Regiment played important role in Civil War

by (Michael Tuffelmire)

Submitted 03-17-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Two days after South Carolina seceded from the United States on December 20, 1860, with 10 more states following suit, fresh stacks of the Grand Rapids' newspaper, the Daily Eagle, lay along with streets with an enlistment call...

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Heritage Hill Neighborhood to lose protection of historic property if bills pass in Lansing

by (Heritage Hill A...)

Submitted 02-23-2016 under PLACE-MATTERS

The Historic Preservation Modernization Act, HB5232 & SB720, proposed by Representative Chris Afendoulis and Senator Peter MacGregor purports to enhance the personal property rights of residents in historic districts. In actuality, it is...

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Take a fresh look at Uptown

by (chadsystma)

Submitted 06-30-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS

Last week I bumped into an old friend and his family in Eastown. It was somewhat shocking to both of us that it had been almost 10 years since we had last connected in person. We joked how typical it’s become for the gravity of work and kids...

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Streetcar history takes shape in upcoming book

by (tbalx)

Submitted 05-06-2015 under OPINION

Carl Bajema, retired GVSU biology professor and local historian, is intent on bringing to life Grand Rapids’ transportation history. He's currently revising the drafts for the second book in a local transportation series, tentatively...

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Drop-In Docent Tour of the Dutch Galleries

by (834design)

Submitted 03-31-2015 under

Take a tour with our resident Dutch art enthusiast, Harley Brown, and immerse yourself in the beauty and culture of the Dutch Galleries. Each month we’ll cover something different! Free with Museum admission. April’s topic is the 1800s.

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April History Book Club

by (834design)

Submitted 03-31-2015 under

The History Book Club brings history books, museum objects, and history lovers together all with a book discussion. In April we are reading “Consider the Fork: A History of How We Cook” by Bee Wilson with Taylor Wise-Harthorn, Museum...

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Historic Walking Tours - Lost Holland Tour

by (834design)

Submitted 03-31-2015 under

Lost Holland: This tour will take you through Downtown Holland to look at the sites of former and existing buildings. See how much our community, and its buildings/business, have changed (and in some cases, how they're still the same). ...

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Downtown library to host Historical Society's 'History Detectives Day'

by (erictank)

Submitted 01-13-2015 under NEWS

On Saturday, January 17 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the Grand Rapids Public Library (GRPL) downtown branch (111 Library St. N.W.) will host "History Detectives Day" presented by the Grand Rapids Historical Society.  The day long event will...

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Smartphone apps add layers to understanding place

by (FriendsofGRParks)

Submitted 01-06-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS

According to a 2013 Pew Research Center study, over 60% of adults now own a smartphone. While parks are a great place to put your phone down and take a deep breath, there are also opportunities to use apps to get a deeper understanding of our...

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Catalyst Radio: Real Pirates exhibit at GRPM displays actual artifacts from 300 years ago

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 10-28-2014 under NEWS

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW In this episode of Catalyst Radio we take a preview look at the Grand Rapids Public Museum exhibit Real Pirates. Real Pirates tells the true story of...

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