health care
Introducing Marywood Home Health
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 04-03-2013 under NONPROFITS
Marywood Home Health invites you to come to Dominican Center at Marywood for an informational meeting about the healthcare options available to you through Marywood Circle. Marywood Home Health is a service of Marywood Circle, a...Catalyst Radio: Holistic Moms Network connecting parents embracing healthy ways of life
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 04-20-2012 under LOCAL LIFE
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW In this edition of Catalyst Radio we learn about an organization called Holistic Moms Network, newly formed in the Grand Rapids area. Avery Karns...Take the Test, Take Control
by (PPMI)
Submitted 06-02-2011 under NONPROFITS
Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan (PPWNM) will host a Free HIV Testing Day (by appointment) at all eight of its health centers on Monday, June 27, in recognition of National HIV Testing Day. According to the Centers for Disease...A Success: Grand Rapids Walk For Choice 2011
by (NOWGR)
Submitted 02-26-2011 under NONPROFITS
A great group of people came out today to participate in the Grand Rapids Walk for Choice. Beginning at Veteran’s Park at noon, the group walked in a route that took them past the Planned Parenthood health center on Cherry Street, as well as the...Low graduation rates affect community in many ways
by (jleff)
Submitted 03-29-2010 under OPINION
I was a straight B and C student all through high school with very little to show after leaving other than a degree. I never cared that much or tried all that hard. I knew from my junior year on that I was going to be a musician/recording engineer....Health care demonstration
by (Mike Saunders)
Submitted 09-15-2009 under NEWS
August 29, 2009 This Sunday a group of around 250 gathered outside of the Ford Federal Building to support health care reform. The Kent County Democratic Party described the gathering of "Democrats, progressives and independents" as "a counterpoint...