Leading SETI astronomer lectures on the probability of intelligent alien life
by (George)
Submitted 03-16-2010 under NEWS
Do aliens exist? And if so, when will we meet them? These questions were on the mind of more than 200 science fans sitting (and standing) last night in Grand Valley State University's downtown Loosemore Auditorium (401 W. Fulton) as they listened to...$150,000 in Grants for Economic and Workforce Development
by (GRCommFound)
Submitted 01-07-2010 under NONPROFITS
Grand Rapids Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees recently approved $150,000 in grants that will support local economic and workforce development in 2010. Nonprofits receiving these grant awards include: Grand Valley...Reboot the Economy? Reboot Education
by (markrumsey)
Submitted 11-14-2009 under OPINION
In a poorly performing national economy Michigan is currently one of its worst players. Our un-employment rate hovers around 15%, not to mention the unreported stats, under-employment and low wage jobs. We also have been seeing the effects of...The Rapid and Me
by (mikerapin)
Submitted 11-10-2009 under OPINION
I've lived in West Michigan all of my life. I was born at Blodgett and raised in South East Grand Rapids until I was seven when my family moved to Hudsonville. I lived in Hudsonville until I graduated high school then moved to Allendale to attend...ArtPrize: Breathing Room
by (Peg Treegarden)
Submitted 09-30-2009 under NEWS
Artist and GVSU Professor, Deanna Morse, used the LV Eberhard Center building as a drive-in movie theatre for her video installation "breathing room".ArtPrize Artist Profile: Jennifer K : Vibrant Art from a Vibrant Woman
by (wisperingdove)
Submitted 09-28-2009 under LOCAL LIFE
Speaking of her entry into ArtPrize, Jennifer K. Waldner says she hopes that people take away “a new way to think about the things that they are going through.” She hopes that her work invokes emotion rather than a specific idea, taking the viewer...ArtPrize:Airing Dirty Laundry Open Your Drawers
by (Peg Treegarden)
Submitted 09-24-2009 under LOCAL LIFE
ArtPrize Artist Maggie Annerino's says about her work: "It's a social statement and it is about the private aspect of underwear now becoming very public...It's time for Grand Rapids to air their dirty laundry."