"Not relaxing or easy," students try living a month of poverty

by (Access of West ...)

Submitted 11-14-2016 under NONPROFITS

College students are used to the idea of living on a budget, but acting out the life of a low-income West Michigan family adds a new dimension to their perception of poverty. “I believe any experiential learning is superior to lecture-based...

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Grand Rapids weighs in on free community college proposal

by (mackenziebush13)

Submitted 01-30-2015 under NEWS

In his State of the Union address on January 20, President Obama articulated his hope that “two years of college becomes as free and universal in America as high school is today” by the year 2020. “[Education] is the key to success...

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Catalyst Radio: Maker Faire invites inventors, innovators, tinkerers to show their creations

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 08-08-2014 under NEWS

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW The first-ever Maker Faire in this part of the state is coming to Grand Rapids Labor Day weekend, and Grand Rapids Public Museum is hosting the...

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Blithe Spirit

by (Heritage Theatr...)

Submitted 07-02-2014 under

The Heritage Theatre Group presents the classic comedy Blithe Spirit, by Nöel Coward, in which a famous author participates in a seance as part of research for a new book, and finds his new marriage haunted – quite literally – by the...

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GRCC to host Empower Michigan community forum

by (erictank)

Submitted 05-13-2014 under NEWS

On Thursday, May 15 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the GRCC Calkins Science building Empower Michigan will present a community forum follow up discussion titled "The Future of the Michigan Workforce." The event is part of an ongoing series that...

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Catalyst Radio: Noorthoek Academy's family event Big Step Walk fundraiser is Saturday

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 05-09-2014 under NEWS

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW In this episode of Catalyst Radio we feature the nonprofit Noorthoek Academy, and the May 10 fundraiser, Big Step Walk. Noorthoek Academy partners...

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Kent County's Garbage Tour Educates and Informs

by (Rachael_O)

Submitted 11-06-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

In homes all across the city, families leave trash bins at the curb, trusting that their piles of trash will be taken away. Few people think of the process or effort exerted in transporting their trash, including sorting it, beyond the garbage or...

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Sticks and Stones Author Speaks on Bullying, Changing The 'Norm'

by (TSzakal)

Submitted 10-30-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

As part of the Diversity Center's 19th year, Grand Rapids Community College welcomed Slate Senior Editor and New York Times Magazine Contributing Writer, Emily Bazelon to the Diversity Series to speak about her book on bullying in today’s...

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Educators, organizations, businesses rally around adult learners

by (Community Liter...)

Submitted 07-22-2013 under NONPROFITS

Last year, Grand Rapids Community College served 200 adult learners at its Learning Corners. Of those students, 190 made some sort of gain by the end of their program. “We do well,” says Director of Adult Education Dave Selmon of the...

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GRIL U participants teens graduate from college

by (GR Initiative f...)

Submitted 05-10-2013 under NONPROFITS

In a time where many of our urban teens are known to drop out of high school, GRIL (Grand Rapids Initiative for Leaders) is proud to announce the college graduations of three of our GRIL U teen leadership program graduates! Mario Adkins graduated...

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