GR Forward

'Park Once' and get around downtown Grand Rapids

by (GRTV)

Submitted 09-28-2016 under NONPROFITS

In this week’s segment of GRTV’s NPO Showcase, Grand Rapids Economic Development Services Managing Director Kara Wood discusses the changes that have been made to our city’s parking and public transportation systems, in effect...

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Time to review GR Forward

by (DowntownGR)

Submitted 07-21-2015 under PLACE-MATTERS

Downtown, everybody’s neighborhood, is changing and growing for the better- and Grand Rapidians right now have a unique opportunity to shape its future. GR Forward is a once-in-a-generation initiative to prepare a community plan and...

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Downtown residents invited to share thoughts about future of city

by (mackenziebush13)

Submitted 04-07-2015 under NEWS

Mix, Mingle and Share Your Voice, an upcoming event sparked by Downtown Dwellers GR, invites downtown residents to meet their neighbors, share insights on the future of Grand Rapids and learn from city developers about current projects and proposals...

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Love matters: GR Forward speaker says love important factor in city-building

by (Holly)

Submitted 02-03-2015 under NEWS

Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc. is bringing Peter Kageyama, noted speaker and author on civic engagement and the creative class, to Grand Rapids next Thursday, February 12, for the next in their "Forward Thinking Speaker Series"...

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DGRI to bring champion of data-driven goals to speaker series

by (Holly)

Submitted 01-13-2015 under NEWS

This Thursday, the GR Forward Thinking: Speaker Series brings Theresa Reno-Weber, Chief of Performance & Technology for the City of Louisville, Kentucky for a presentation at 6:00 p.m. at Kendall College of Art and Design's Old Federal...

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GR Forward Thinking continues series with Theresa Reno-Weber

by (erictank)

Submitted 01-06-2015 under NEWS

On Thursday, January 15 at 6 p.m. GR Forward will continue its "GR Forward Thinking Speaker" series with Louisville based Chief of Performance Improvement for the office of the mayor, Theresa Reno-Weber.  Reno-Weber holds a bachelor...

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Community meeting hosts break dancers; gives GR residents a chance to have fun while planning

by (Andy Angelo Pre...)

Submitted 01-02-2015 under NONPROFITS

By: Antonio J. - age 14 There will be a community meeting held on Thursday, January 8th from 6:30-8:00pm at Cesar Chavez Elementary school. This meeting will be very different from most ordinary public meetings – at this meeting, there will be...

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From the voices of many, one vision emerges

by (DowntownGR)

Submitted 12-23-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

Written by Kristopher Larson, AICP   Over the past year, I’ve spent a good deal of time speaking to audiences across the country about citizen engagement within the context of city-building. My postulation concludes on the assertion that...

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Building consensus: public engagement strategist to address justice, equity, involvement in city planning

by (Holly)

Submitted 12-03-2014 under NEWS

On Thursday, December 4 at 6 p.m., the GR Forward Thinking Speaker Series continues with "Economic Development and Equity" at Kendall College of Art and Design (KCAD). This second event will feature Don Edwards, Principal of...

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GR Forward Thinking continues series with noted urbanist Don Edwards

by (erictank)

Submitted 11-25-2014 under NEWS

On Thursday, December 4 at 6 p.m., the GR Forward Thinking Speaker Series continues with "Economic Development and Equity" at Kendall College of Art and Design (KCAD). This second events will feature Don Edwards, Principal of Justice and...

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