
Together We Are Safe questions AmplifyGR's commitment to true community ownership

by (Together We Are Safe)

Submitted 03-04-2020 under OPINION

City planning has the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.  Jane Jacobs, 1960s activist against gentrification We at Together We Are Safe recognize that we are currently...

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City commission candidates address affordable housing in forum

by (awpattullo)

Submitted 07-17-2019 under NEWS

More than 60 people attended a City Commission candidate forum on affordable housing July 11 at the main library, hosted by the grassroots advocacy group Grand Rapids Homes for All. Participating were candidates Allison Lutz (1st ward), 2nd ward...

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Neighborhood schools are being gentrified, but they don't have to be

by (MaverickLaw)

Submitted 08-20-2018 under OPINION

An issue that is becoming rapidly important to the Grand Rapids community is the gentrification of neighborhood elementary schools. No one quite understands how it happens, or even why it happens. All we know up to this point is that homes in...

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Residents complain they have to ask for backyard chickens, firepits but developers could bypass public hearings

by (jproth1)

Submitted 02-13-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS

Neighborhood associations along with concerned citizens throughout the City of Grand Rapids are worried that under the guise of creating more affordable housing, suggested changes to zoning ordinances could take neighbor's say out of the mix on...

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Boston Square residents shut down AmplifyGR vote

by (arcarpenter)

Submitted 09-29-2017 under NEWS

Shouts of "No!" and "Give him the mic!" could be heard at the AmplifyGR meeting last night at Hope Academy, a charter school near Madison and Burton. The meeting was one in a series hosted by AmplifyGR. AmplifyGR is a non-profit...

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Amplify GR meeting: What does community ownership look like?

by (arcarpenter)

Submitted 07-28-2017 under OPINION

On July 27, 2017 I along with approximately 80 residents from the Southeast side and surrounding areas attended the Amplify GR Community Listening meeting at Living Word Church, 1534 Kalamazoo SE. A non-profit funded by the Doug and Maria DeVos...

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Local First aims to help businesses create community change with upcoming equity workshop

by (PeopleFirstEconomy)

Submitted 06-13-2017 under NONPROFITS

Change doesn’t come from individuals alone. At Local First, we believe that business can instigate positive change within a community. Not only does local business help create and stabilize communities, it has a major role in creating a...

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Faces of the Grand Rapids housing crisis: Chanae Jackson

by (arcarpenter)

Submitted 03-24-2017 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Homes for All met last Friday night at Baxter Community Center to talk about the housing crisis and gentrification in Grand Rapids. In this meeting, residents had an opportunity to join the Tenant Union, brainstorm ideas about...

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Faces of the Grand Rapids housing crisis: Joyce Daniels

by (arcarpenter)

Submitted 03-23-2017 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Homes for All met last Friday night at Baxter Community Center to talk about the housing crisis and gentrification in Grand Rapids. In this meeting, residents had an opportunity to join the Tenant Union, brainstorm ideas about...

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Faces of the Grand Rapids housing crisis: Carla Dentmond

by (arcarpenter)

Submitted 03-21-2017 under NEWS

Grand Rapids Homes for All met last Friday night at Baxter Community Center to talk about the housing crisis and gentrification in Grand Rapids. In this meeting, residents had an opportunity to join the Tenant Union, brainstorm ideas about...

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