Gazelle Girl
Running away from fear: the internal struggle
by (chelsiewyse)
Submitted 01-27-2014 under VOICES
Click "submit," I thought, staring at my computer screen. A few minutes went by until finally the haunting click of my keyboard mouse submitted my registration for the Fifth Third Riverbank Run 25K. I had no idea the journey I had...Rapidian launches Gazelle Girl writing contest
by (The Rapidian)
Submitted 01-16-2014 under NEWS
With all the white noise of “new year, new you” and becoming your best self, it can be difficult to appreciate exactly who are you. The Rapidian believes in uplifting individuals and celebrating who they are simply for being so. The...Gazelle Girl 101 Race Series: Holiday training tips
by (LisaRoseGR)
Submitted 12-18-2013 under LOCAL LIFE
It’s that time of year again — when the holiday parties, plates of butter cookies and glasses of cabernet are the temptresses, singing to us like sirens on the rocks with their promises to smash the best laid plans for a workout or...Gazelle Girl races into 2014
by (Roberta F. King)
Submitted 11-30-2013 under LOCAL LIFE
Set for April 13, 2014 the Gazelle Girl Half Marathon and 5k is on its way to becoming a Grand Rapids running tradition. The second year event promises to be a bit bigger and a bit better than the inaugural event. Among the changes for 2014 is the...