Living Authentically
by (Scott Burden)
Submitted 06-28-2015 under VOICES
I came out about a year and half ago to both myself and a few very close friends. At the time, I was working for a non-profit Christian parachurch ministry and I was scared out of my mind as to how they would react. After all, I had dedicated nearly...Tuesday Tabletalk: Interfaith Dinner and Dialogue
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 04-29-2014 under NONPROFITS
Dominican Center at Marywood invites you to participate in an interfaith dialogue on May 20 at Tuesday Tabletalk. Participants dine at round tables comprised of persons from varying faith traditions. The evening will include a brief...Coming to DCM Feb 18: The Family of Abraham: Ancestors in Faith
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 02-13-2014 under NONPROFITS
Dominican Center at Marywood invites you to come out on the evening of Tuesday, February 18, to celebrate ecumenical and interfaith studies and dialogue. This two-hour event begins with a brief presentation by each of the four panelists...Just Economics
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 01-13-2014 under NONPROFITS
Just Economics: A Five-Session Process for Faith Communities Feb 03, 2014-Mar 03, 2014 A FIVE-SESSION PROCESS FOR FAITH COMMUNITIES(Offered in collaboration with the Dominican Sisters Justice Committee) Each of the five sessions below is...Plant Understanding ~ Harvest Peace
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 09-05-2013 under NONPROFITS
Dominican Center at Marywood is offering you FOUR OUTSTANDING PROGRAMS that are all based on the theme of peace through listening, dialogue with others and with God; and understanding without judging. Consider attending one or more of the...Young Life Winter Weekend engages high school students
by (kmb53)
Submitted 12-04-2012 under NEWS
On Friday, Nov. 30, 51 Calvin Christian High School students loaded onto buses and drove north to Timberwolf Lake in Lake City for Young Life’s Winter Weekend Camp. Young Life is a non-profit organization that was started in the 1940s in order...Pastor blends beer, theology in new book
by (AnnByle)
Submitted 11-06-2012 under OPINION
Bryan Berghoef was born in Grand Rapids and lived in West Michigan for most of his growing-up years. His most recent Michigan home was Traverse City, where pub theology discussions at Right Brain Brewery over the last several years inspired the book...Tuesday Tabletalk - Mystics and Mysticism
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 09-28-2012 under NONPROFITS
In celebration of 2012 - Year of Interfaith Understanding, the October Tuesday Tabletalk will be held on October 16, 2012 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Dominican Center at Marywood (DCM). DCM is located at 2025 Fulton Street East, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503....Festival of Faith and Writing aims to offer encouragement to hopeful writers
by (Chelsea)
Submitted 03-29-2012 under NEWS
Calvin College's Festival of Faith and Writing is gearing up for another year of authors, editors, publishers, artists and readers coming together for three days of discussion. This year's festival will take place April 19-21, bringing to...NPO Showcase features Dominican Center at Marywood
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 09-20-2011 under NONPROFITS
Barbara Hansen, OP, of Grand Rapids Community Media Center interviews Mary Vaccaro, Dominican Center at Marywood Director, about the purpose of the center. The Dominican Center offers a number of opportunities for people of all faiths and...