Plainsong Farm works to catalyze a Christian food movement: "Ten acres and large questions"
by (Access of West ...)
Submitted 06-30-2018 under NONPROFITS
In a day and age where most people buy their food from grocery stores, there is little connection between the consumption of food and the land and work that brought the food about. Plainsong Farm, located in Rockford, Michigan and operating under a...Buddhism professor's journey from Christianity to a blissful state of "I don't know."
by (sanchea7)
Submitted 12-13-2016 under OPINION
What happens when you no longer believe in the religion on which your family raised you? As I sat in my Special Topics: Buddhism class on the very first day, I wondered this exact question when my professor, Jeremy Beahan, explains how he was raised...At this West Side food pantry, hunger relief is a team effort
by (Feeding America...)
Submitted 10-18-2016 under NONPROFITS
Waverly Knight understands what it’s like to be hungry. In 2007, Waverly lost her job. Single, lonely in her apartment and trying to find a job, she began to wonder about volunteering with her West Side church, Trinity Reformed. When she...Food and Faith Speaker Series
by (
Submitted 09-14-2016 under
From growing to sharing, faith communities are called to care for creation and understand our connection to food and food systems through a theological framework. This interactive conversation will explore the human relationship to food as God...'Hark Up with the Down Home Horns' to headline at Covenant Village of the Great Lakes
by (Covenant Villag...)
Submitted 06-20-2016 under NONPROFITS
Join Covenant Village of the Great Lakes for an old-fashioned Tent Revival Meeting with gospel music provided by Hark Up with the Down Home Horns. This free event begins at 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 17, 2016. Beginning at 1 p.m., a shuttle will provide...Hark Up with the Down Home Horns’ to headline at tent revival at Covenant Village of the Great Lakes
by (Covenant Villag...)
Submitted 06-20-2016 under
Join Covenant Village of the Great Lakes for an old-fashioned Tent Revival Meeting with gospel music provided by Hark Up with the Down Home Horns. This free event begins at 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 17, 2016. Beginning at 1 p.m., a shuttle will provide...Catalyst Radio: Modern religious storytelling and the Festival of Faith & Writing
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 04-14-2016 under LOCAL LIFE
We met Lisa Ann Cockrel, director of the Festival of Faith & Writing at Calvin College. 2,000 writers and readers of any or no faith will attend the festival April 14-16 at Calvin College campus to learn and discuss ethics, liberation, world...Land, labor, capital: Looking at root causes of our diseased food system
by (Lance Kraai)
Submitted 02-09-2016 under OPINION
I’m convinced that the ideology of capitalism is the ultimate root cause of the dysfunction of our diseased food system. Addressing food system work without this acknowledgement will only lead to shallow short term solutions. Capitalism has...New Year's resolution: Get to know your neighbor
by (Katie Gordon)
Submitted 01-12-2016 under OPINION
This New Year, I am reminded by how far we have yet to go to accomplish understanding across difference and unity through diversity in our communities. As an interfaith advocate in a city which has a significant faith-rooted history, the potential...Memorial Service for the Unborn
by (grrtl)
Submitted 01-05-2016 under
To honor and mourn the almost 57,000,000 lives lost to abortion since 1973, Grand Rapids Right to Life is sponsoring the annual Memorial Service for the Unborn. The keynote speaker is Deacon Jim Thorndill from St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Grand...