Early Childhood Development

Bilingual Pre-Reading Classes for Kids

by (grpl)

Submitted 06-12-2014 under

Parents and caregivers are invited to bring their preschoolers, ages 3 to 5, to 45-minute classes featuring literacy-rich activities such as interactive storytelling using puppets, dramatic play, and hands-on fun. Related songs, fingerplays, and...

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Pre-Reading Classes for Toddlers

by (grpl)

Submitted 06-12-2014 under

Parents and caregivers are invited to bring their energetic toddlers, ages 18 months to 3 years, to 30-minute classes featuring hands-on, literacy-rich activities including stories, songs with fingerplays and other action, and sign language....

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Conductive Learning Center to Celebrate National Conductive Education Day 2014

by (CLCenter)

Submitted 02-04-2014 under NONPROFITS

On Thursday, February 20th, the Conductive Learning Center asks you to join in the celebration of Conductive Education across the nation. Conductive education is an intensive, multi-disciplinary approach to education, training and development for...

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Literacy Backpack Program links teachers, parents, students, curriculum

by (Community Liter...)

Submitted 06-20-2013 under NONPROFITS

As a kindergarten teacher, Peg Cramer saw that her students' parents always wanted to help their children learn, but they often didn't know which materials to use. She started offering them books with questions to ask their children at home...

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Kent Regional 4C works with community to improve literacy for children

by (Community Liter...)

Submitted 02-18-2013 under NONPROFITS

Kent Regional 4C is a Grand Rapids organization whose mission is to improve the lives of children through early care and education by working with parents, providers and the community. They serve over 4,000 children daily through the Child and Adult...

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Families create learning community at Bright Beginnings play group

by (Community Liter...)

Submitted 03-28-2012 under NONPROFITS

Despite some of the children getting “the wiggles” by the end of story time, Esther Gomez’s exuberance was contagious: she had everyone singing along to the group's good-bye song at the end of the morning. The occasion? A...

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