Mary Ellen McNaughton exhibits at DCM

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 09-03-2013 under NONPROFITS

Enjoy seeing a retrospective of artwork by artist Mary Ellen McNaughton.  A lifetime of creative expression, this show features lively, colorful and often whimsical drawings, paintings, mosaics and sculptures.  Inspired by mythology,...

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Blessing of the Animals

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 09-21-2012 under NONPROFITS

Instruments of Hope invites you all: your family and your pets – all kinds of birds, all kinds of beasts, and all kinds of creeping and crawling things - for a Blessing of the Animals. This blessing will take...

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by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 05-07-2012 under NONPROFITS

From May 3 throug June 28, 2012, The Marywood Gallery at Dominican Center is featuring the photography of local artist, Dee Versluis. The theme of the show is Pilgrimage, displaying 30 pieces with prices beginning at $100.00. All items are for...

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Blessing of the Animals

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 09-27-2011 under NONPROFITS

Instruments of Hope invites you all: your family and your pets – all kinds of birds, all kinds of beasts, and all kinds of creeping and crawling things - for a Blessing of the Animals. This blessing will take...

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NPO Showcase features Dominican Center at Marywood

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 09-20-2011 under NONPROFITS

Barbara Hansen, OP, of Grand Rapids Community Media Center interviews Mary Vaccaro, Dominican Center at Marywood  Director, about the purpose of the center. The Dominican Center offers a number of opportunities for people of all faiths and...

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