Corey Ruffin
It's a Beautiful World: Remembering The Great Daryl Nathan
by (The Rapidian)
Submitted 08-06-2020 under LOCAL LIFE
Remembering The Great Daryl Nathan by Corey Ruffin The entire Grand Rapids Community Media Center family is greatly saddened to hear of the recent passing of local legend The Great Daryl Nathan, one of the true spirits of GRTV in the late...Get Real, Citizen Journalists
by (Ruth)
Submitted 10-17-2010 under OPINION
It’s hard to be a citizen journalist. You don’t get paid. You have no idea what you’re doing. You have to keep your iPhone charged so you can tweet breaking news… And, after all that, people don’t even take you seriously.“Without the training and...Rapid Growth panelists dissect the value of art in Grand Rapids
by (dennetmint)
Submitted 06-17-2010 under NEWS
Photos by Jon Clay Rapid Growth Media held the fifth monthly segment of its speaker series last night at Wealthy Theatre. The topic of the night was "Good business is the best art." Panelists included Brian Kelly (owner of Brian Kelly...Grand Rapids Flaunts Variety With Super Happy Funtime Burlesque
by (drewsa9)
Submitted 09-18-2009 under LOCAL LIFE
Is Grand Rapids prepared to strip down to the bare essentials? Ready or not, the Grand Rapids art scene has grown to include revealing the unclothed human body paired with provocative social and political commentary. Residents of West Michigan...