community change
GR Residents Gaining Leadership Skills for Advocacy and Change
by (DwellingPlace)
Submitted 04-23-2024 under NONPROFITS
More than 50 Kent County community members are developing their capacity as community leaders in the NeighborWorks America leadership competency course, Building Leaders Building Community (BLBC), hosted by Dwelling Place in partnership with...Activating Downtown Spaces: Heartside Community Reclaims Pekich Park
by (DwellingPlace)
Submitted 09-03-2019 under NONPROFITS
The consensus work that Maloney and other local stakeholders have contributed to the Heartside Quality of Life Study is now coming to fruition. This summer, Pekich Park, which has been a historically problematic area for neighbors, saw...The election is over, now what?
by (Urban Core Coll...)
Submitted 12-03-2018 under NONPROFITS
This year brought a lot of excitement as people debated and voted in (and out) a new class of elected representatives. We saw large voter turnout across the nation and many first time voters: 18-year olds, new U.S. citizens and those who felt...Our place, your voices: The Rapidian is a necessary tool for community change
by (LisaRoseGR)
Submitted 05-18-2015 under OPINION
I remember well first learning about the concept for The Rapidian. It was in the Sparrows coffee shop that Laurie Cirvello - the visionary and then director of the Community Media Center - told me about this concept of a citizen-led online...