Literacy Center hosts Summit to address literacy in West Michigan
by (LiteracyCenter)
Submitted 09-05-2012 under NONPROFITS
The Literacy Center of West Michigan’s Community Literacy Initiative will host a Community Literacy Summit to address low literacy in West Michigan and highlight current efforts in the community to improve the issue. The Summit will take place...Summer Picturesque launches with MLive collaboration, contest
by (Chelsea)
Submitted 07-02-2012 under NEWS
The Rapidian's next Picturesque will run the entire month of July, asking Grand Rapidians to submit photos around a central theme: Summer Lovin'. This includes the beach, pool, vacation spots, summer scenery, food and drinks, holidays and...Students use art and journalism to share thoughts on immigration
by (Steff)
Submitted 02-23-2012 under LOCAL LIFE
Leer este artículo en español | Read this article in Spanish “Will this project help my brother come back to us after being deported?” This question was asked by an 8th grade student [whose identity has been removed to protect her family...Artprize 2011: Erkfitz's part of Schematic in Two Parts
by (kristincomstock)
Submitted 10-06-2011 under LOCAL LIFE
It would be hard to miss the brightly colored mural "Schematic in Two Parts" on the corner of Commerce and Oakes street, located alongside The Pyramid Scheme and created by Grand Rapid's own Erwin Erkfitz. Collaborating with...[MAP] Picturesquing about town
by (dennetmint)
Submitted 05-18-2011 under OPINION
Two weeks ago, we launched the spring edition of Picturesque, a community photo collaboration that collects images around the theme, "in plain sight." "What do we Grand Rapidians notice that we think others miss?" we asked. Forty-nine images later...Picturesque: In plain sight
by (dennetmint)
Submitted 05-02-2011 under OPINION
On a drab day, I walked down the path from my house to the sidewalk. At the foot of the path, crocus blooms poked barely above the mottled grass. The dabs of violet were hardly noticeable. A smile was coming on. Who else today had spotted this shy...Catalyst Radio: Art.Downtown to hold its largest pop-up gallery event yet
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 04-08-2011 under NONPROFITS
INTERVIEW (9:08) The annual Art.Downtown event is coming up and has a larger footprint than ever before. This year, Kendall College of Art and Design is opening up their graduate studios just over the highway while Site:Lab hosts their first major...Share the credit: Collaborators and Translators get some Rapidian love too
by (George)
Submitted 04-06-2011 under OPINION
Like our mothership, Grand Rapids Community Media Center, The Rapidian has always been about building community through media. With this project, that manifests is in a variety of ways, but today I’d like to focus on story collaborations and...Nominations now open for Second Annual EPIC Awards
by (GRACC)
Submitted 01-28-2011 under NONPROFITS
The Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce EPIC Awards, launched in 2010, combines three of its traditional events into one EPIC event! EPIC is an acronym for Entrepreneurial, Progressive, Innovative and Collaborative, all qualities the selection...Catalyst Radio: Kevin Den Dulk encourages his students toward community engagement
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 01-07-2011 under NONPROFITS
The Rapidian has been working with classrooms to submit content for the last several semesters. We talk with Kevin Den Dulk, the first professor to approach us about class submissions. The collaboration has matured over the last year; hear how...