after school programs

Spring semester starts at Creative Youth Center

by (Grand Rapids Cr...)

Submitted 01-08-2016 under NONPROFITS

“I love journaling about everything we do. We write about our lives: what’s fun and what’s funny,” Adrian enthuses at the last Afterschool Adventure gathering of the semester. When programming begins again, students will find...

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Teen community center offers leadership opportunities

by (opendoors4teens)

Submitted 06-25-2015 under NONPROFITS

Open Doors Center for Self-Directed Teens, a nonprofit organization in Eastown, is in the middle of expanding their services to reach more community youth, especially those who are underprivileged.  For the last two years, the organization...

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UICA's youth program honored by First Lady Michelle Obama at the White House

by (KCAD)

Submitted 11-03-2011 under NONPROFITS

Chosen from a pool of more than 471 nominations and 38 finalists, UICA's ArtWorks program was one of just 12 after-school and out-of-school programs across the country and the only program in the Midwest to receive this prestigious award. The...

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