You are the 99%
Are you happy with the way things are going? No? Then help us fix the systemic problems that are destroying us.
This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.
Are you happy with the way things are going? No? Then help us fix the systemic problems that are destroying us.
23 days ago, some people started something. They marched on Wall Street. Inspired by the tactics used by the Arab Spring protesters (a leaderless, decentralized occupation of a public space), they're not leaving. Not leaving until something changes. Not until we have our voice in government tacken back from the financial giants that use their money to pull the strings of Washington. The occupants are embracing values of inclusivity, non-violence, and a belief that everyone is can do something for this cause. You do not need to ask permission to participate in your democracy!
And we're not asking. In cities across the world, people are gathering. Finally acting on the fact that we have more in common than we don't. Finally sick of the cynacism that has crippled change in the past. We must act with faith in our fellow humans. Believe that if we give ourselves away without expecting anything in return, our love will be returned more abondent and stronger than before. We believe this becaues of our friends, families, lovers, and others.
We're not asking permission. We are already in Ah-nab-awen Park. We are asking forgiveness. Forgive us and eachother for breaking the rules so that we can bring an end to the much greater offense. The perchase of our poloticians. The purchase of our laws. The purchase of government. We are the people. But this is no longer our country becuase it is no longer by us. And sure ain't for us.
This is not a political issue. If you say can no longer say yes to "Are you happy with the way things are going?", then say yes to changing it. It's only when we try can we suceed. And what we're trying to do is to put a stop to the power of greed destroying our world.
Groups like Good Morning Revolution are working independantly from and in conjuction with the maybe millions of individuals worldwide. We are thinking and speaking for ourselves. And acting for the group in non-violence. Welcom to the revolution. All you have to do is show up, be aware, and do your thing.
Thank you. You are loved.
Here's our zine: Open publication
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