I am very passionate about the environment, animal rights, and human rights. I graduated from Grand Valley in April 2009 with a bachelor's in sociology and psychology. In the not too distant future I would like to attend grad school and get a master's degree...possibly in creative writing? I love researching and learning new things, and I really enjoy writing about what I learn and trying to raise awareness among others. I occasionally write poetry for fun, and one of these days it would be great to write short stories again like I used to when I was young. I am in the process of re-learning how to play piano and guitar.
I have two dogs (well, technically one...the little dachshund Kayleigh is actually my mom's dog). My husband and I adopted Claudia, a basset mix, in October 2009, and have been loving her since! We also have a cat named Beauty who used to be a stray, but my hubby took her in back in March 2007. We do not have any human kids, and we don't plan on having them either. Our pets are our kids!
When I'm not at work, I enjoy going to bookstores and libraries, reading, going for walks with my dogs, volunteering at Harbor Humane, and baking. Some of my favorite things to read (and publications that I would love to write for) are Adbusters, Mother Jones, and the "causes" and "healthy and green living" blogs from Care2.