Karen Dunnam

I'm a city planner by training, and a Grand Rapids resident by choice. Moved here in mid-2004 when my Detroit-based contract gig ended, and I recently declined a corporate "offer" to return to Southfield. In addition to my recent work in the wireless industry (obtaining approvals for new cell tower sites), I've: --edited two bicycle-related magazines, and done free-lance writing for several publications --done computer tech support, created remarkable documents on various software packages, and taught adult ed classes (Windows applications 101) --called traditional contra & square dances (since 1990), and organized special presentations & events --made great strides towards rehab of an 1890s-era house in the Midtown area --volunteered for as many good causes and projects that will fit my schedule and personal values You can often find me downtown with one of my large brass instruments. Please say hello!
