Heritage Hill Association

Heritage Hill is one of the largest urban historic districts in the country. It was the first “neighborhood” of Grand Rapids and is adjacent to downtown, the medical institutions and universities, and the hip Uptown district. Heritage Hill offers Michigan’s largest and finest collection of 19th and early 20th century houses. Nearly every style of American architecture, from Greek Revival to Prairie, is represented in the 1,300 buildings that date from 1844. These were the homes of lumber barons, teachers, judges, and legislators who shaped our city’s future. Today, its population of 4,000 households is very diverse. Professionals, artisans and students; singles, couples and families, renters and homeowners; people of all colors, backgrounds and incomes make Heritage Hill home. The Heritage Hill Association formed in 1968 to stop a variety of urban renewal projects that would have demolished 75% of the neighborhood. Its purpose is to provide neighbors a way of collectively building a healthy, historically preserved community where people can live and work in a secure and stable environment. Issues include land use, crime and safety concerns, preservation, parking and traffic, education and other quality of life issues.
