
Community Updates: Friday, April 22

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 04-22-2022 under NEWS

The Results of an Independent Autopsy in the Patrick Lyoya Case are Released Two weeks after he was shot and killed by a GRPD officer, Patrick Lyoya's family and their legal team have conducted an independent autopsy on his body. Attorneys Ben...

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Westside neighbors work with health department, press for answers over cancer concerns

by (Elizabeth Roger...)

Submitted 06-05-2018 under NEWS

A lot has happened since cousins Shane Smith and Jammie Danner began talking with former neighbors in southwest Grand Rapids about why so many of their loved ones were getting cancer. Since bringing their group's conversations to the public on a...

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Westsiders raise concern over cancer crisis among neighbors from childhood block

by (Elizabeth Roger...)

Submitted 05-11-2018 under NEWS

On Monday, May 7, 2018 Shane Smith took his worries about the high rates of cancer among the family and neighbors he grew up with on the block of Indiana Avenue SW between Butterworth and Wealthy public. What had been a sometimes grim joke and...

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Local manufacturing workers react to Austin Bunn's "RUST"

by (Jeremy Moore)

Submitted 10-04-2011 under OPINION

"It was a good run," said Marty Green, former employee of the General Motors Metal Fabrication plant in Wyoming, Mich. Marty sums up much of the sentiment radiating from "RUST." Namely, that the era of Michigan-as-titan-of-industry—of sweaty, hard-...

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Former manufacturing employees shake off the "RUST"

by (Jeremy Moore)

Submitted 09-26-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Marty Green started his manufacturing career at the General Motors Metal Fabrication plant on 36th Street in Wyoming in 1985. Although he experienced some bumps along the way by way of short-lived layoffs, he still enjoyed his time at GM. ...

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