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The Artists of Heartside Gallery and Studio-- Wendy Smith

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

Meet artist, writer, poet , soloist and survivor Wendy Smith, from Heartside Gallery and Studio.

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/Heartside Gallery and Studio

Our featured artist for September is Wendy Smith.  Here is a little about the artist, in her own poetic words:


My name is Wendy M Smith,

my nickname is Butterfly.

I live in my own little world through red colored glasses.

I have seen and been a part of some of the most horrific things.

I've been severely traumatized a couple different times,

I have seen and been a part of hate, rage, and pure evil.

I have seen and been a part of real unconditional love from my mom,

and a beacon to show the way.

I have seen and been a part of a drug induced psychosis, extreme anxiety and bi-polar extreme depression for over 10 years now.

I have seen and been a part of paranoia, obsession, and suicide,  

also a part of borderline personality disorder

I have to wear long sleeves so people don’t keep asking me about all my scars.  

I've leveled out and I now know that GOD is on my side.

I have seen and been apart of some of the most beautiful things in the world as well.

It’s not all bad, one minute at a time,

the world dreaming in bed or in my head is one big nightmare.

I have a lot of issues that just don’t matter anymore.

Hanging out at the studio really keeps me grounded

so I don’t flutter away.

~butterfly ~

Wendy has 2 portraits in our Portrait Show, which opens Friday, August 31st from 6-9pm at Heartside Gallery and Studio, 48 S. Division Ave.


The Artists of Heartside Gallery and Studio is a monthly feature to highlight some of the wonderful people of the Heartside neighborhood.  Visit , Facebook and our Flickr page to keep up with us, to learn about volunteering and other ways to get involved.

Sarah Scott is Arts Coordinator for Heartside Gallery and Studio at Heartside Ministry, and can be reached at [email protected]

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